Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pictures of My Childhood

While I was out of country, my Mother discovered a couple of boxes of old things I had been storing in my brother's closet space for many years. (I am so evil) Upon removing them to MY closet, I started to go through them and enjoyed a voyage into the mind of a child. My mind, that is. When I was a child. (Would it surprise you if it wasn't all that different from how it is now? Some of you it might. Those who know me...maybe not...)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fear of the Unknown

Hello, my friends.

Here we are again, with an update that is actually two updates.

I think I stumbled across the reason for my ability to maintain a blog through the many times I have tried. I initially pinned it down to a lack of time to write, but that is a farce. I write almost incessantly. My second thought was that my blogging always lacked purpose. But then I created a blog that was about stuff I did and liked and I still failed to maintain a posting schedule. I think I finally pinned it down to fear.

To be specific, fear of the unknown. As I said, I write almost incessantly. I'm just not comfortable releasing my scribbles for the World Wide Web to read and comment on. That's not such a bad thing in itself. Caution can be a great mediator. But as a creative individual who hopes to make a living in a creative field, a lack of desire to show off what you can do is fatal.

For many, blogs aren't a great deal. But in this day and age, they can become a sort of measuring stick. Of what I haven't entirely figured out, but the indicators are there. I guess it has less to do with having a blog and more to do with a website with clear, concise information about your abilities.

Suffice it to say, there is conflict within about how well I can maintain a blog, and conflict within about not having an active online presence. But like all areas of life, when confronted with a crossroads we must choose a path. Change or fade away, as it were.

So in light of the required decision, I decided that failing to show what I can do is kind of like shooting myself in the foot. Not a good thing. So I am changing.

Would you believe that all this came out of an internal monologue on whether or not I should continue procrastinating uploading some videos to YouTube? Which I ended up uploading, by the way. And here they are: all the projects from my past semester at CSU, and one other which I created over break.

Enjoy, all!


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ah, there is so little time to post these days. My vacation has been as busy as my average school week. I have a long list of things I want to write about, but also a long list of things I need to get done first. Ah well. I'll get around to it one of these days.
